The Ministry: Celebrating 36 Years!
Jeremiah Ginsberg and his wife, Wendy, formed Jeremiah Ministries, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, in the State of California 36 years ago on February 14, 1983. The organization creates and sponsors theatrical presentations, original Biblical musicals, concerts and Bible studies. For more info, click on dramatic musicals, speaking engagements, teaching newsletters, Jeremiah's widely acclaimed book on prophecy ("While The Fiddler Played, The World Came To An End") as well as the sequel ("Esau's Last Stand").Special Sale on the most popular items! Get the classic book, "While The Fiddler Played, The World Came To An End," on prophecy for only $15.00! Free shipping! Click on Sale!
The main thrust of Jeremiah's work has been teaching end-time prophecy, composing original songs, and writing and producing award-winning Biblical musicals. Who is Jeremiah Ginsberg? Attorney - Author - Composer - Lyricist - Producer - Director - Teacher. Read the statement, "What Is In My Heart." Click MyHeart.
The Musical, "Esther, Sweet Esther!"
Sunday, July 30, 2017! The Gala Concert Version performance of "Esther, Sweet Esther" at the historic National Press Club in Washington, DC was outstanding! Visit the website for all the exciting details at!
A 20-minute highlights video from the July 30, 2017 Concert Version Performance of "Esther, Sweet Esther" at The National Press Club is now available to view on Jeremiah Theatricals' YouTube Channel! Click this link - Watch the "Esther, Sweet Esther" demo reel on the Jeremiah Theatricals YouTube Channel at The 10-minute video is a 13-song sampler showcasing a selection of the beautiful songs from the operetta, plus two brand new songs! "Like" the "Esther" Facebook page! More "Esther" info! |
The musical, "Rabboni," is also entitled "Mendel's Messiah!" Visit the website at!
The "Mendel's Messiah" Materials can be viewed online!
on MendelsMessiahMaterials.htm!
Watch "Rabboni" Behind The Scenes video on the Jeremiah Theatricals YouTube Channel at Filmed in New York City with a Broadway-level cast, the 6-minute video is a behind the scenes look at the making of 3 music videos from the award-winning Gospel musical, "Rabboni" ("Mendel's Messiah")
Watch the video clip of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn speaking about the award-winning Gospel musical, "Rabboni!" View on our YouTube Channel at
Watch this original song on our YouTube Channel! "Sing & Dance In Israel!" Music, Lyrics & Orchestration by Jeremiah Ginsberg. Vocalists: Gloria Thompson, Megan Crowder & Paul Cunningham. This was originally written for the musical, "The Scarlet Thread," produced by Oksana Horton of Revelation Ministries.
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A Miracle Happened! The miracle took place over 30 years ago on June 1, 1985. What happened? The musical, "Rabboni," opened off-Broadway at The Perry Street Theatre. You may be wondering, "What’s so miraculous about that?" (Click here to read the rest of the story - A Miracle Happened!) |
Historic albums featuring Calvin Marsh, the great baritone from the Metropolitan Opera, singing the Messianic songs of Jeremiah Ginsberg, are now available on CD Baby! These one-of-a-kind classic recordings were made in New York in 1978 and not released until 2015! Visit the CD Baby pages and listen to the gorgeous audio clips! 14 songs on each CD! Volume 1:
Volume 2:
Newsflash! The Rabboni Cast Recording featuring Marty Goetz and the New York City Cast is now available on CD Baby! This classic recording of anointed songs by Jeremiah Ginsberg, produced in 1990 in New York City, will uplift your soul and fill your heart with joy! Check it out on the CD Baby website at
Click the photo to the left or on Prayer Breakfast to see photos of the talented cast performing 2 arias from "Esther, Sweet Esther" at The Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast on January 21, 2013 in Washington, DC! Rabbi Jonathan Cahn was the keynote speaker at the event. Read what he said about the performance on the Prayer Breakfast page!
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The Award-Winning Biblical Musicals!
The Ginsbergs have written four musicals which dramatize in a very entertaining and "Fiddleresque" way the entire Biblical plan of salvation. The humorous main character, Mendel Moskowitz from Brooklyn, is a Jewish Everyman who goes back in time to Ancient Egypt in "Mendel & Moses," back to Ancient Jerusalem in "Rabboni" ("Mendel's Messiah"), and forward into the future in "The Time of Mendel's Trouble" (Click the link to see the YouTube video clip). Jeremiah Ginsberg is the composer/lyric writer/director, and Wendy collaborates with him in writing the scripts and producing the works. The first two musicals received awards and rave reviews. They produced a limited engagement of their third show, "The Time of Mendel's Trouble," in New York City at The Beckett Theatre from July 18 through August 2, 2008. The Ginsbergs' fourth musical is based on the Book of Esther. There are amazing parallels between the ancient story of Esther in Persia and the modern-day "Hamans" in Iran.
Watch the video highlights of
"Mendel & Moses" In Concert! Performed at the MJAA Conference in 2006!
Only just now uploaded - ten years later!
Visit the Jeremiah Theatricals YouTube Channel! |
Part 1 of the trilogy, "Mendel & Moses," first produced in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills in 1997, tells the story of Moses and the Exodus from Egypt, from Slavery to Freedom, from the Wilderness to the Promised Land, and of God's promise to give the Land of Canaan to the Children of Israel. "Charming and full of wit and wisdom!" - Ed Kaufman, The Hollywood Reporter
Part 2, "Rabboni" ("Mendel's Messiah"), which the Ginsbergs produced off-Broadway in New York City in 1985, dramatizes the life of Yeshua of Nazareth with a heart-warming "Fiddler On The Roof" flavor. "The greatest portrayal of the Gospel ever to come out of the creativity of man!" - Rabbi Jerry Feldman, Congregation Adat Yeshua
And Part 3, "The Time of Mendel's Trouble," an epic prophetic musical, tells the exciting and climactic story of the Two Witnesses who minister during the Tribulation Period, and of the promised Messiah coming to establish God's Kingdom of true Shalom on earth. Produced in 2008 off-Broadway at The Beckett Theatre in NYC. "Music and lyrics are clever. And when it’s funny, it’s very funny!" - Laurie Lawson, The Electronic Link Journey
Concert Events!
Jeremiah Ministries produces award-winning Biblical musicals in theatrical venues where the Word of God comes alive on stage. Three great musicals dramatize Moses and the First Covenant ("Mendel & Moses"), Yeshua and the New Covenant ("Rabboni"), and the Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation ("The Time of Mendel's Trouble"). The concert version performances of the operetta, "Esther, Sweet Esther" in Concert, on August 16, 17 & 18, 2013 at Maranatha Church in Paramus, NJ were an outstanding success!
God and His Word belong in the culture of our nation. Biblical musicals accomplish that assignment. Presenting concert versions of these musicals is a huge blessing for everyone. Watch video clips on YouTube at Perhaps your congregation would like to host such an event. Interested? Give us a call at (954) 722-1719.
"Mendel & Moses" in Concert at Beth Israel Messianic Congregation in Wayne, NJ, on Friday, March 5, 2010 was outstanding! The congregation was packed with hundreds of people - they kept bringing in more and more chairs. A spirit of joy filled the sanctuary. At the end of the show, the people rose to their feet and gave us a standing ovation, cheering with thunderous applause! Rabbi Jonathan Cahn wrote:
"Dear Jeremiah & Wendy: The night was incredible! The performance was wonderful! Everyone was completely blessed. It was a ministry of joy, of blessings, of humor, of beauty, of power, of holiness, of God! The music was exquisite. You have an incredible gift. And the Spirit of grace and favor was upon it. It was a joy and honor to have you here. You are very much a part of the ministry and the family of Beth Israel. And we are always blessed to see the powerful ways the Lord is using you! We love you! God bless you, Jonathan & Beth Israel"
Click the link to see what Rabbi Jonathan Cahn wrote about the presentation of 2 arias from "Esther, Sweet Esther" at the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast.
Invest in Biblical Musicals - Unique Theatrical Outreaches! Or become an Official Sponsor.
The Video, Israel, Land of Sweet Sunshine Chronicles the formation of the Jewish nation from European ghettoes through the Holocaust to the momentous birth of the State of Israel with original music, historic speeches, and archival footage. Inspiring and uniquely beautiful.
Historic 1979 recordings with Metropolitan Opera Star, Calvin Marsh, restored! These must-have collector's items are now available on CD! Hear the magnificent baritone voice of Calvin Marsh singing the beautiful Hebraic songs of Jeremiah Ginsberg! Click on Calvin CD's. The irreplaceable Calvin Marsh passed away in Dallas, TX on Monday, June 18, 2012 at the age of 91. He will be greatly missed!
The "Rabboni" Cast Recording, featuring Messianic Recording Artist Marty Goetz singing the role of "Yeshua," is available on CD! Also available on CD is the "Mendel & Moses" Cast Recording, featuring live performances from the Los Angeles Cast and various Concert Version Casts. Purchase online securely using a credit card. See the Order Form.
Jeremiah's music CD, "I Will Set My Sanctuary In The Midst of Them," features 12 original Messianic songs of Zion. Music & lyrics by Jeremiah Ginsberg, with the composer singing his own songs! Only $16.00, free shipping! See the Order Form for details. To hear selections from this CD and songs recorded live at the New York showcase of "Mendel's Messiah!" ("Rabboni"), click on Music!
See the Readers' Comments. Read a sample chapter from the Prophecy book! Click here to read Chapter 11 - Islam Exposed!
Jeremiah's second book, "Esau's Last Stand," is available. This sequel to his first book analyzes the ancient hatred of Esau and his descendants toward Jacob and the Jewish people, and shows how the conflict intensifies through the ages and finally culminates in the War of Armageddon.
He presents the case as a lawyer clarifying the Scriptures in Malachi 1 and Romans 9:13, as to why God says, "Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated." This book is full of prophetic revelation that will give you a clearer understanding of Israel and the Arabs, the Kingdom of God versus the Kingdom of Darkness, and how Islam figures into end-time prophecy.
Prophetic Teaching Newsletters: The Jeremiah Gazette.
(Currently, there are no live webcasts. They might be started up again. Check back for details.) Watch live webcasts of Jeremiah teaching Messianic end-time prophecy on Sunday nights on our Livestream Event Page! Click the link and sign up on Livestream with your email address. It's free, easy, and there are no commercials or ads! Once you're on our Event Page, click on the "Follow" button! Our Webcast page also has the link along with Bible study notes. Webcasts start at 8:00 PM EDT on Sunday nights! You can also watch the webcast via the CTOMC Chat Room hosted by Messianic Rabbi Avner Solomon of Congregation Ner Tamid. We invite you to check it out by going to the CTOMC website at and click on "Technical Help" for instructions.
Kess Malkhoot Dahveed (The Throne of David) is our statement of faith - Jewish and Gentile Believers united as one with no wall of partition in strong support of Israel. You are invited to read our Statement and join with us as we enter into "The Zion Age."
To use all of our God-given talents and abilities to prepare for the restoration of the Throne of David upon which will sit the King of Kings, Yeshua the Messiah. "And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: The deliverer will come from Zion; He will turn godlessness away from Jacob. And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins." (Romans 11:25-27)
Support With Your Tax-Deductible Donation
Your support of our theatrical ministry outreaches would be so very deeply appreciated. Jeremiah Ministries is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and all donations are tax-deductible in the United States. Tax ID: 95-3858103. Partner with us as we work to present unique pioneering Biblical musicals that dramatize God’s plan of salvation for Israel and the Nations, from Moses and the First Covenant, to Yeshua and the New Covenant, to the prophetic end-time Book of Revelation. If you would like to make a one-time, secure online tax-deductible donation by PayPal using your credit card, please click on Donate You may also sign up to give recurring donations via our secure PayPal page by clicking here: Donate Monthly.
We invite you to support Jeremiah Ministries by searching the web with powered by Yahoo! Search, and each time you do, GoodSearch will donate a penny to Jeremiah Ministries! Shop online at and a small percentage of each purchase will be donated to our cause! More than 1,000 top stores are participating including Amazon, Target, Staples, Best Buy, Priceline and more! Start using GoodSearch and do some good! It's free, costs you nothing - the donated pennies come from advertisers. Please sign up to support Jeremiah Ministries at Thank you and God bless you!
Another way to support Jeremiah Ministries is by Shopping at AmazonSmile. It's easy! Shop using the following link and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases to Jeremiah Ministries, our verified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization! It costs you nothing, the donations come from Amazon's Smile Foundation! If you shop on Amazon, this is a great way for you to multiply your charitable giving! Click here to get started:
To Contact Us:
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Please pray for us as we work for the
glory of Messiah's Kingdom
and for the redemption of Israel.
Our mailing address is:
Jeremiah & Wendy Ginsberg
Jeremiah Ministries
PO Box 770835
Coral Springs, FL 33077-0835
(954) 722-1719
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