"Esther, Sweet Esther"
Music & Lyrics by Jeremiah Ginsberg
Book by Jeremiah Ginsberg & Wendy Ross Ginsberg
Jeremiah and Wendy Ginsberg are pioneers in the creation of award-winning Biblical musicals.
The Ginsbergs’ fourth musical is based on the Book of Esther. Their new
comedic-dramatic musical celebrates the life of Esther, the beautiful Jewish
maiden, who miraculously became the Queen of Persia and saved the Jewish people from
Haman of Ancient Persia schemed to have all the Jews in the Persian Empire killed. Even as Haman’s plans backfired, this new operetta reminds people that salvation and deliverance will come to the Jewish people, but those who seek her destruction will come to the same fate as Haman who was hanged on the gallows that he had prepared for Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, who adopted Esther when her parents died.
In "If I Perish, I Will Perish," one of the major arias in the operetta, Queen Esther proclaims her willingness to endanger her own life by going uninvited into the King’s presence to intercede for the lives of her Jewish people. She does so at the urgent warning of Mordecai who sings in an aria:
"For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14)
Filled with gorgeous music, a timeless message, and sprinkled with Jewish humor, the new operetta, "Esther, Sweet Esther," will give audiences a joyous and uplifting theatrical experience.
It dramatizes a message that must be heard by Jews, Christians, and the world at this time of gathering darkness - that Almighty God is waiting with open arms to redeem whosoever will turn to Him!
"Esther, Sweet Esther" Timeline:
January 21, 2013: Premiere of 2 arias from "Esther, Sweet Esther" at The Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC. The keynote speaker, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, wrote: "Dear Jeremiah & Wendy: MAZEL TOV! – CONGRATULATIONS on your success at the Inaugural Prayer Breakfast. The rendition of the two songs from ‘Esther, Sweet Esther’ was wonderful! You persevered and had a great success! It seems as if you ascended a new level in your gift. And it was great to see and be with you! God bless you!!!"
August 16-18, 2013: Three Concert Version Performances of "Esther, Sweet Esther" at Maranatha Church in Paramus, NJ. Standing ovations!
July 30, 2017: Gala Concert Version of "Esther, Sweet Esther" at The National Press Club in Washington, DC! Standing ovation!
May 21, 2018: Gala Musical Concert Event of "Esther, Sweet Esther" at The Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC! With Guest of Honor, Dr. Ben Carson!
The Cast & Crew from left: George Comtois, Christopher Regan, Denny Hollowell, Jamie Ellen DeOliveira, Kirk Baker, Jeremiah Ginsberg, Kyaunnee Richardson, Stephen Len White, Wendy Ginsberg, Kevin Pellicone, DeAnn Trimarchi, Joel Ingram, Les Morrison, Megan Crowder & Carolyn Paddock. The National Press Club, Washington, DC, July 30, 2017.
The Curtain Call! Standing Ovation! From left: Christopher Regan, Denny Hollowell, Joel Ingram, Kevin Pellicone, George Comtois, Jan DuPlain, Jeremiah Ginsberg, Stephen Len White, Wendy Ginsberg, Kyaunnee Richardson, Carolyn Paddock, Jamie Ellen DeOliveira, Megan Crowder & DeAnn Trimarchi on July 30, 2017 at The National Press Club.
Honored Guest, Dr. Ben Carson with The Cast! From left: Jamie DeOliveira, Jose Sacin, Mark Ferrera, Stephen Len White, Kyaunnee Richardson, Steven Koflanovich, Dr. Ben Carson, Jeremiah Ginsberg & Wendy Ginsberg. The Trump International Hotel, May 21, 2018.
The outstanding cast from the Maranatha Church performances featured: Stephen Len White (International Tour, "Phantom of the Opera"), Christopher Regan (National Tour, "Evita"), George Comtois (First Broadway Revival, "West Side Story"), Denny Hollowell (Core Tenor, Virginia Symphony), Madeline Stern ("Candide," "Cabaret," "West Side Story"), DeAnn Trimarchi (Brooklyn Lyric Opera), Sheila Wormer (Many operatic roles, "The Time of Mendel's Trouble," The Beckett Theatre), Darcy Morrison, Jeremiah Ginsberg (Composer/Author/Director/Producer) and Gary Selman, the famous radio personality from "The Two Nice Jewish Boys!" Choreography by Carolyn Paddock. Music Direction by Peter Fuchs. Les Morrison on Violin, Kirk Baker on Bass.
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